Karakoram ranges valley are some of the remote regions and secluded areas in the world. Due to its height and altitiude the regions doesnt get a warm/hot as other provinces in Pakistan. This change in climate and weather conditions are very different compared to other provinces in Pakistan. Thus, the fruits and their variety in these valley is very different. Here we are counting down the fruits that you can easily get in the Kararkoram ranges valleys. Some fruits are more popuplar in one region than the other but generally you will find these in all valleys.


One can find different varieties of apple in the valleys. These apples have many traditional names and have be cultivated for a very long time. New variety of apple have been introduced in the area which have better shelf-life but local variety are tastier and much preffered. The first apple to ripe is the ‘Shini-Balth’ (literally means ‘Summer-Apple’ in Burushaski) are some of the favorites variety.


Gilgit Balltistan is largest apricot producer in the country. They cme in all shapes and sizes. People eat it when its still not fully ripe that taste is sour and the kernel inside is still white. It is a must try. It is sweet when fully ripe and used to make juicy and cakes. Dry appricot is loved around Pakistan and is used to make apricot jams and sauce. Apricot kernels are also consumed. The oil from the kernel is part of many local dishes.


Cherries in the Karakoram valley are some of the finest and there is no better way to eat them than directly plucking it from the trees. cheeries from Gilgit Baltistan are supplied all over Pakistan and some variety is also exported. No matter haw many you eat, you will want more.


Many variety of plums grow in Gilgit Baltistan region. Green Sour Plum, ripe green flesh plum, black amber plum, etc. Many people enjoy the sweet green varieties of plum.


Although Pakistan black mulberry are very famous but the valleys in Karakoram range have many variety of Mulberry including White Mulberry, Black and wild Mulberry. Since they have a very short life you must enjoy them when in the Karakoram in summers.


A few variety of peaches grow in the mountains valleys of Gilgit Baltistan. Many of these peach variety are the sweet ones and smaller in size. They are delicious and fully ripe in mid summers.


Pear variety varys greatly in the region. Local variety of pears are one of the fruits that never make it to the markets. Unlike the chinese pears, the local variety are much more tastier. The green fruit is camouflaged with the leaves, making it harder for people to spot it.


Small grape vines on house roofs or backyard are very common thing in Gilgit Baltistan. You can spot kids selling them on roadside during the season and also dried grapes are also sold. Grapes juice are used to make Kilaw in Ghizer.


Almond trees can be spotted through out the karakoram valleys. In Baltistan many local dishes are made with Walnuts and in Hunza you just cant miss the Walnut cake.


Almonds have many different variety in Karakoram. From soft shell to big kernel almond. In Ghizer region people make Kilaw with almond and grape juice. it is also used in local dishes. People believe in the medicinal benefits of almond oil.

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